Past Events

Getting Back into the Community – 2022 Events

Getting Back into the Community – 2022 Events

Cautiously shaking off the pandemic blues in early 2022, San Diegans for Gun Violence Prevention has gradually resumed participating in live, community events.July 17, 2022: San Diego Pride Parade and Festival  June 30, 2022: Season of Peace launch - Press...

Ninth Annual Vigil for Victims of Gun Violence

Ninth Annual Vigil for Victims of Gun Violence

On December 12, San Diegans for Gun Violence Prevention (SD4GVP) came together to commemorate the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CT, on December 14, 2012. We met as a local partner in the ninth annual, nationwide vigil led by the Newtown...

Cruising for Peace Means No Shots Fired

Cruising for Peace Means No Shots Fired

Cruising around town in a stylish low rider on a Saturday afternoon? How does that prevent gun violence? The recent Cruise for Peace was part of San Diego's "No Shots Fired" program, which kicked off last spring when city government and law enforcement leaders called...

Bring It to the Park — June 19

Bring It to the Park — June 19

Bring It to the Park June 19, 2021 As part of this year's Wear Orange commemoration, SD4GVP hosted a booth at Bring it to the Park. Pastor Jesús Sandoval of Community Wraparound initiated Bring It to the Park to help communities take back crime-ridden public parks in...

National Gun Violence Awareness Day — June 4

National Gun Violence Awareness Day — June 4

National Gun Violence Awareness Day June 4, 2021 In a public event on June 4, Mayor Todd Gloria observed National Gun Violence Awareness Day. Mayor Gloria issued a proclamation at the event, with San Diego Police Chief David Nisleit, Congressman Scott Peters and City...

San Diego Padres Game – June

San Diego Padres Game – June

San Diego Padres MLB Game June 2021 As part of its Wear Orange events, SD4GVP hosted a table alongside other community groups at Petco Park during a regular-season Padres game.