Ira Sharp Firearm Dealer Accountability Act

Show your support and help us get this passed!


Add your comment:

On Tuesday, June 4, at 10:00 am the San Diego City Council will vote on the Ira Sharp Firearm Dealer Accountability Act (aka Firearm Dealer Accountability Act). This ordinance reforms the City’s firearm and ammunition procurement practices, ensuring that firearms are bought only from dealers who follow all legal requirements. Click here to read the Staff Report. 

We need to support this critical action and ask for your help with an eComment and attendance at the City Council Meeting and/or Press Conference:

Please send in a brief eComment in Support using this form.
Information for the form:

  • Enter your name, city, state, and zip code
  • The meeting date is June 4, 2024. 
  • Under Comment Type, please choose City Council Comment 
  • Then fill in Agenda Item #330. 

A simple comment stating that YOU SUPPORT the Firearm Dealer Accountability Act in order to reduce gun violence is all that is needed. You might also choose to mention other items after reading the staff report, or one of these items:

  • the ordinance ensures that public tax dollars for firearms and ammunition are spent with dealers who are following all legal requirements, OR
  • firearm dealers who do not follow requirements such as background checks, maintaining required paperwork critical to law enforcement investigations, or training employees to be aware of signs of a straw purchaser, are more likely to sell guns that are then diverted to trafficking and use in crimes, OR
  • by ensuring the City buys only from responsible dealers, San Diego’s purchasing power will incentivize dealers to comply with all laws and best practices that reduce gun violence.

Your comment is limited to 200 words. Please submit your comment BY 9:00 a.m., TUESDAY, June 4. 

Attend the event:

If you can attend Tuesday’s meeting downtown and/or attend the Press Conference that will follow the City Council vote, please RSVP here.  Wear either a SD4GVP or Brady t-shirt; we want to visibly show our support. 

The City Council meeting starts at 10:00 a.m., and is in the City Administration Building, City Council Chambers – 12th Floor, 202 C Street, San Diego. Please complete a form of support for Item 330 as you enter the room, and say you do not want to speak. Any questions, ask Therese or Carol.

Press Conference will occur after the morning session of City Council. The press conference will run from 1:00-1:30 pm, and will take place in the courtyard just outside of the City Administration Building. All attendees are to report to the courtyard no later than 12:45 pm. Speakers at the press conference include Councilmember Marni von Wilpert, Team Enough’s Stephan Abrams, Brady United’s Senior Director & General Legal Counsel Josh Scharff, City Attorney Mara Elliott, and Never Again’s Rose Ann Sharp.

RSVP for City Council Meeting and/or Press Conference


With appreciation for your actions,
Therese and the Leadership Team