Gun-violence prevention is alive and well in San Diego in 2024, and we have 12 minutes of video to prove it. Have a look at the work you and the rest of our GVP community have been doing month by month, all year long.

January through November


Encinitas Holiday Parade with Mike Levin, including Team Enough members Stephen Bishop and Sarah Youssef

Our final event of 2024 was a remembrance for all victims of gun violence on the anniversary of the Sandy Hook mass shooting. In a variation of our traditional vigil, Reverend Kristin Kuriga wove this year’s remembrance into the Sunday service at the First Unitarian Universalist Church of San Diego. After the service, Liz and Carlos Muñoz of Jr’s Trauma Care Initiative performed a sage blessing of a shrine honoring dozens of local children who have lost their lives to gun violence.

Thanks for continuing to show that preventing gun violence is important to YOU!